Sunday, 27 May 2012

Hi vagab people, here you can see our survey about healthy lifestyle, vagab physical test and our "three day diet history". Hope you like it!!!

survey about healthy lifestyle
about Alicja:

Scores of 9 and 10
Excellent! Your answers show that you are aware of the importance of this area to your health. More important, you are putting your knowledge to work for you by practicing good health habits. As long as you continue to do so, this area should not pose a serious health risk. It is likely that you are setting an example for your family and friends to follow. Since you got a very high test score on this part of the test you may want to consider other areas where your scores indicate room for improvement. 

I hope you have the same;)

physical test

Alicja's physical test

Sit ups:                      350                   normal           (315 points)
Press ups:                30                   normal           (15 points)
Flexibility                  20                     normal           (-5 points)
Long jump                140                     normal           (10 points)
Cooper test               2760               normal           (10 points)

Healthy lifestyle

Hi vagab people, here are some photos from theme 6, our "three day diet history",. Enjoy watching it!!!

Alicja's three day diet history Day 1:
my breakfast: fitness cereal
dinner:salad with pieces of chicken Day 2:
Breakfast:Vanilla cream cheese
little snack: crackers ;)
dinner:simmer vegetables
 my sapper:apple:)
          Day 3
breakfast: fitness cereal
my dinner:fried fish with potatoes

apple pie for dessert
cappuccino for me:)
for sapper:sandwiches
and black coffee for my mum and dad:)

or another sandwiches